THB Preview: Daxos, Blessed by the Sun

Happy Saturday and last weekend for the year y’all. For today’s Theros Beyond Death card preview, we have the latest creature of an iconic character in the Theros storyline. That character is Daxos, who’s recent status is becoming a demigod.

From the wiki content, “He used to be a human soldier and an oracle of Heliod living at the temple compound in Meletis. Later he had become the friend, mentor and lover of the planeswalker Elspeth Tirel.” His card from the upcoming Theros Beyond Death set depicts that he has acended yet again as he became a White creature card and is called as Daxos, Blessed by the Sun.

While its ability looks to be simpler than its returned version, he might prove to be useful for a mono White Devotion aggro deck. It is basically a 2/2 by itself but as you expand your board, he gets to be more efficient and tougher to kill be combat damage. He can also combo to cards like Ajani’s Pridemate which immediately gets a +1/+1 counter with Daxos’s lifegain trigger.

The deck build will be probably very basic like the previous Mono White Aggro decks, of course with the inclusion of these new cards though I would rather produce a decklist once the complete spoiler is out. In that way, we can assess other cards that may have a greater impact in the build. Stay tuned for that one.

That is wrap for now, until the next blog post.