The Beginners Support Continues

With my recent busy schedule even for weekends, I could not cater anymore the MtG tournaments for beginners and newbies of the game. I try my best though in any way to help them build or create their first MtG deck as well as answering any rules question they might have on Facebook. I have not been having a lot of queries lately but my friend Jimmy contacted me last night asking to provide him with pauper decks to give to his nephews. He needed three of these 60-card decks which I gladly sold to him for just 40 pesos each.

I hope these kids enjoy playing the theme and synergy of each of the decks and hoping to see them playing in the local tournaments soon. Enjoy guys!

The Beginner benefits program is still on-going for new faces that wanted to play and learn more of Magic: the Gathering TCG. Just head over and inquire on our Facebook page for tournament announcements.