The Efficiency of Dimir Tempo in the Current Standard Format

Dimir Tempo has emerged as a formidable archetype in the current Standard format of Magic: The Gathering. Combining the disruptive elements of blue and black, this deck excels at controlling the pace of the game while applying consistent pressure on the opponent.

Here is a closer look at why Dimir Tempo is so efficient right now in the Standard format.

Key Strengths

  1. Versatile Disruption: Dimir Tempo leverages a suite of counterspells and removal spells to disrupt the opponent’s game plan. Cards like Phantom Interference and Go for the Throat ensure that threats are dealt with promptly, maintaining control over the battlefield.
  2. Efficient Threats: The deck features creatures that provide value beyond their stats. Tishana’s Tidebinder and Sheoldred, the Apocalypse are prime examples, offering card advantage and additional board presence, respectively. These creatures can quickly turn the tide of the game if left unchecked especially big mother Sheoldy.
  3. Card Advantage: Drawing cards is a hallmark of blue decks, and Dimir Tempo is no exception. With spells and creatures like Faerie Mastermind and Gix, Yawgmoth Praetor, the deck ensures a steady flow of resources, allowing it to maintain pressure and find answers as needed in most situations.
  4. Tempo Positive Plays: The essence of a tempo deck is to make plays that put you ahead on mana efficiency. For instance, using a one-mana removal spell to deal with a four-mana threat allows you to develop your board while setting back your opponent.

Matchup Analysis

Dimir Tempo performs well against slower, control-oriented decks due to its ability to counter key spells and apply pressure with efficient threats. However, it can struggle against hyper-aggressive decks such as Mono-Red which can overwhelm its defenses before it can stabilize. Hence, its sideboard plan would lean more towards that specific matchup.


In the current Standard format, Dimir Tempo stands out for its ability to control the game while steadily advancing its own board state. Its blend of disruption, efficient threats, and card advantage makes it a versatile and powerful choice for players looking to dominate their local metagame.

What do you think about Dimir Tempo? Have you tried playing the deck yourself? You can check recorded matchup videos posted on my YouTube channel below.