The Recently Best Dimir Commander Cards in Magic: the Gathering

The Dimir color (Blue and Black) combination in Magic: The Gathering is known for its focus on manipulation, deception, and control. Here are some of the best Dimir Commander cards that have been released recently:

  1. Yuriko, the Tiger’s Shadow: Yuriko is a powerful ninja that allows you to damage your opponents whenever you play a ninja or an unblocked creature. She also has a powerful ability that lets you draw cards and make your opponents lose life equal to the converted mana cost of the revealed card. The trigger benefits all of the Ninjas you control so a tribal deck build is recommended.
  2. Gyruda, Doom of Depths: Gyruda is a legendary creature that lets you mill cards from your opponents’ libraries and put creature cards onto the battlefield for free. This can be a powerful way to build up a board presence quickly not to mention Gyruda’s 6/6 body to get into a huge attack. 
  3. Lazav, the Multifarious: Lazav is a shapeshifter that can become a copy of any creature in your graveyard. This allows you to reuse powerful creature abilities and can be a powerful way to disrupt your opponents’ game plans. This makes your graveyard as sort of an extra hand to utilize to your advantage and develop your board. 
  4. Oona, Queen of the Fae: Oona is a powerful faerie queen that can exile cards from your opponents’ libraries and use them to create faerie tokens. She also has a powerful ability that lets you exile a player’s library when you have enough mana.
  5. The Scarab God – Another powerful Dimir Commander that is having an upkeep trigger to drain life from opponents depending on the number of Zombies you control, and also an activation ability that exiles creature cards from graveyards and creating copies of them. The deck build is mostly aligned to be Zombie tribal or graveyard-based strategies. 

Overall, these are just a few of the powerful Dimir Commander cards released recently. New and updated Blue and Black cards are pretty made to adapt in the Duel or Multi-Commander gameplay. Many other cards can work well in a Dimir Commander deck, depending on your playstyle and strategy. Wizards has been releasing a batch of new Commander cards in the form of Commander Decks for every new set released for the players to explore and enjoy, especially the new game mechanics the set has introduced. I recommend that for your Dimir Commander deck build to be updated, try checking on the Commander card list and see what cards could fit your liking and strategy.

That is a wrap for now, until the next blog post.