Theros Beyond Death PR Report Pt. 2

Day 2 of the local Theros Beyond Death Prerelease and Pro Reis place was the host game store. We had 36 slots or participants so we would expect the place to be jam-packed and in addition, was the hot afternoon weather. It was scheduled to start at 12:30 pm and I arrived 30 minutes earlier. I was hoping the players would be on time but still a few arrived late. The seatings and PR kit distribution started past 1:30 pm.

I am expecting to good and reasonable card pool for an efficient deck build. I was seated with Doc Earl and wished him good luck on his pulls. After checking the card pool, it will then be given to the person in front of you in the table.

The Rares I opened were somewhat on the average but I see it as effective in Limited. After handing out the card pool, I offered Doc my suggestions on the possible deck builds. After that, I double checked mine to make sure I don’t miss out on one card. After confirming, I then grouped by colors and checked on the possible synergies with the Rares. I then found out that 3 out of the 6 Rares were also the same Rares I got from Friday prerelease and it was Hakdos again, the Boros Achilles. I checked each of the Red and White cards in the pool and the good thing was that it was more decent and has a good creature curve. I then started the deck building and here is what I came up with.

There were more spot removals this time while the Auras were so-so. There were zero massive sweep spells. Still, my main goal was to curve well on my creatures so that my Auras will be efficient.

The first-round pairings were announced after about 50 minutes of deck building and here below is the summary of my matchups.

Round 1 versus Black White – Won 2-0
He seemed to be casting just regular creatures with a few spot removals but I was able to overwhelm him with late-game creatures. One relevant play was that I was able to First Strike his Deathtouch creature with the help of a Flashed Aspect of Manticore. I, later on, I learned that he had a mass removal spell and another bomb creature that I was able to evade.

Round 2 versus 5-Color – Won 2-1
This one was an interesting matchup against an old friend Nathaniel. He was able to brew a five-color midrange deck thanks to the mana fixing and ramp spells of Green. His creatures were just regular but he got that Green Aura that triggers Fight and which was able to deal with most of my creatures. In one match, a timely Elspeth Conquers Death removed his only creature threat that has three Auras attached to it and I was able to establish my board and continuously attacked until his life total went to zero.

Round 3 versus Green White – Won 2-0
It was against a fellow teammate JayR but we did not play the match as he was tired already because of the hot play area.

Round 4 versus Blue White – Won 2-0
I am on top of the Standings as of this point and would be very happy to win it all in the last match. My opponent was playing a sort of a midrange deck which I initially thought was an aggressive Auras deck. He has a lot of enchantment removals with some mill effects but I was able to outdo his plan by playing my best creatures while also avoiding his counterspells. Game 2 was all about resolving Haktos which he wasn’t able to answer. Plus, the Shadowspear made his Dream Trawler vulnerable to the Dreadful Apathy.

The final record: 4-0. I finished in the first place and got five Theros Beyond Death boosters for prizes. Opened all of them in case there are cards that I can use for Standard and only found some decent Uncommons and a Mythic constellation version of Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded.

All in all, it was a great event and I thank the Iloilo community for full support. Now my next goal is how to get these new faces to at least play Standard Pauper.

That is a wrap for this PR Report Part 2. Until the next blog post.