To Build a Battlebox for Vampires?

I have read one thread in Reddit MagicTCG that the poster had a project where he rebuilt the decks of his favorite Standard format, which was during the Odyssey-Onslaught era. He made five different deck archetypes, a few of them were also the decks I played back in the day. There are Goblin Bidding (BR), Mono Black Control (B), Madness (UG), Astral Slide (RW), Mirari’s Wake.

That deck project got me thinking of having a similar one, except that I will rebuild the deck that I piloted when I got my first Magic Professional point. That deck is Black Red Vampires which I played back in Grand Prix Singapore 2011, in the Standard era where Blue White Caw Blade is the dominating archetype.

I still have a copy of the decklist and maybe kept a few components in one of the storage boxes in my friend’s house. Most of the cards are already priced low as of the current, with the exception of the Bloodghasts and a few fetch lands.

Maybe I will start buying them in their newest set version as it will be cheaper than searching for the first expansion such as Zendikar and Worldwake. The commons would be the first ones to complete and also I had a few extra copies of Lightning Bolts lying around in the Modern boxes. I might also check for some Vampire-designed sleeves and deck box.

To conclude, this is one good way to keep the best memories in my Magic career as a player. I will post another update on this project once I am halfway done.