WAR Card Feature: Gideon Blackblade

One of the mythic cards in the War of the Spark spoiler from the MTG Salvation website is the newest version of the Gideon planeswalker. This time, he got an interesting card name and is back in the three-mana cost slot. See the full card preview of Gideon Blackblade below:

At first look, the card will work well in a White Weenie shell in which on turn three he can provide an extra ability to one of your creatures in your first two turns. That ability most likely will be vigilance since you will be providing a blocker to protect Gideon. Anyhow, he is obviously on an aggressive strategy as he can attack for 4 damage on your succeeding turns. The bonus exile ability is just icing to the cake.

Can he become a staple 4-of in a White Aggro deck? We shall see. I would preferably have at least 3 copies in the deck but then unless there is a spell that can deal with 4 toughness (minus 4) creature planeswalkers then he will just be an easy target. We don’t have the likes of Dismember in Standard at the moment so I think he is still safe.

That is a wrap for this card preview, until the next blog post.