Working on More Video Blogs

I am already starting to feel the momentum on doing more video blogging on my Youtube channel and account. With the recent phone upgrade which got me the capability of catching more vibrant and detailed MtG cards, stuff and happenings in the local scene, I think I am obliged to make 100% use of the resources that I have.

What are currently the videos that I made? Well, the recent one was the coverage of the Top 8 matchups of the Day 1 Standard format of the Magic: the Gathering Iloilo community year-ender tournament. I took clips of the angles of the battlefield tables and the players’ gestures and reaction. I then compiled it in the YouCut application which is pretty basic but efficient kind of video editor and posted it at the community Facebook page.

Also another previous project was the booster crackin’ videos which I look forward to improving in every new episode. I might be only opening two to three boosters but I am to make sure that each relevant card is discussed of its uses in certain game formats. The recent video under this list was the opening of three Ravnica Allegiance Booster packs.

3+1 Ravnica Allegiance booster packs opened.

What I am currently working on is the unboxing the cards and boxes I hauled from a friend who is quiting the game and getting rid of his extra stuff. I may publish it later today or tomorrow as I still need to create the flow of the video and an awesome intro video clip for the DeathMarked MtG channel.

I guess that is enough update to keep you guys in touch of what I am doing and what is upcoming on this blog. Stay tuned for those.

Until the next blog post.