First Time in the ROM Ep. 9 Comodo Dungeon Instance

So yeah, the new patch and episode in Ragnarok M 2.0 Eternal Love SEA server mean a whole lot of things to do to get us busy in the game. It is actually if you can spare enough time to do the new quests. However, for some working professionals and peeps like me, it is quite turning out to be a chore to do this stuff, more so to finish the daily quests.

One of the new features in the Comodo map patch is the Comodo Ancient Dungeon instance that can be run weekly. It will make you find your ideal time to finish this either with your guildmates or joining regular parties.

We tried it the first time last Sunday right after our War of Crystals event where most of the people in the guild were online. I had little knowledge on how the tasks inside can be done, but all I know is we should kill the boss monsters there up until the end of the dungeon map.

I recorded our Ancient Dungeon instance run which you can view on the video below.