My Daily Routine in Ragnarok X: The Next Generation

The daily activities in Ragnarok X are typically the same in other RPG mobile games you’ve played. There is a list of to-dos that you need to finish before the reset time the next day. How you optimize these tasks is the main question. Today, I will be sharing my method of doing the daily objectives in the Ragnarok X: The Next Generation game.

1. Odin’s Blessing regen at Prontera – The first basic thing to do after you log in. As you roam around the city dropping by Kafra NPS and storing your excess loots, your Odin’s Blessing continuous to generate up until you reach the 600 amount. While waiting for it, you can do stuff such as the next one on my list. Also don’t forget to gift those selected NPCs so that you will gain more favor from them, and items later on.

2. Get Mission Board within Prontera area – Mission Board lists ten tasks for you to get done to gain experience and zeny. This resets every 6:00am the next day so make sure to finish every one of them. What my routine here is as I check every task that is started within Prontera. In that way, I can maximize my stay as I generate Odin’s Blessing and at the same time do a Mission Board task. 

3. CoC going with storage and NPCs around Prontera – Aside from the Mission Board tasks, you can also get experience when you the Chamber of Commerce daily item exchange. I made a video on how you can do it here. So that is running around Prontera doing these up until you Odin’s Blessing generation is maxed. 

4. After Maxed Odin, go to the nearest town or map where your multiple Mission Board tasks are located. One of my examples is going to Morroc to talk to the NPCs that will ask you to kill Mummies, Isis, or Minorous inside the Pyramid. I do this so I can only teleport once to the map. Be sure to carefully read each of the tasks on your drop-down list on the left to determine them. 

5. Spend my combat time with Odin’s Blessing whenever I am within the area of my targeted monster to grind experience. For example, there is one Mission Board task to kill Marse in Underwater Temple. I teleport to the map, kill the minimum number and then turn my target to the Swordfish spawn area and spend some Odin’s Blessing there grinding for Job Exp. 

6. Spending Odin’s Blessing gains you Stamina which you can later on use to grind your Life skills. What I usually do is once my Stamina reaches around 2k to 3k, I teleport to the Mjoilnir Mine 2F to gather minerals for my Smelting skill. Iron Ores, Upgrading Metals and Rough Oridecons are my top priority. I can just auto-gather and then do my real-life chores.

Here below is my video guide on grinding to the Swordfish spawn area in Underwater Temple 2F. I am maximizing my Job Exp so I can reach Job level 50 for the Sniper Job Class quest.

Overall, that is basically my daily to-dos in the Ragnarok X: The Next Generation game using my Hunter character. What are your dailies in the game? I’d like to hear them in the comment below.

That is a wrap. Until the next blog post.