My Ragnarok Mobile Refine Routine

I have been looking on several videos on refining guides and tips and tricks of sort posted by several Ragnarok Online mobile streamers and vloggers on YouTube and gathered my observation on their common routine before they do their refining. I also will share what they call as a ‘pattern’ in the fail and success of an equipment refine.

First of is the pre-refine routine and you begin having your pet Lunatic’s mood (preferably a Level 10 Intimacy) to that of a Green smiling one. Do this by giving it food or pet material Rainbow Carrot. If you are grinding with a different pet, switch it beforehand and let it accompany for at least 5 minutes.

Next is prepare you sacrificial items, meaning those equips that you are willing break or basically unused ones. Those equips which are not for your job type also works. Prepare at least three type of those and few copies needed for repair.

What I tried was the succeeding success refine technique. It is the usual two success with fail as the next one when going with your first item but to make sure, have your sacrificial item up to the +4 safe refine range before trying this one.

Do take note of these points:

If the first fail refine does not break your sacrificial item and will only downgrade its refine by one, switch to your main item and then refine it by two. That is the usual success refine.

If it will downgrade again by one refinement level, there is a chance that it might break on your next refine attempt or the hint of the succeeding refine will occur. You will notice it if the item will go straight three successful refine.

I tried the straight success technique with with my Lucius’s Fierce Armor of Volcano by implementing the first point initially. It downgraded without break, then successful refine and then broke. I repaired it with my spare ‘fire’ armor and then it proceeded to successfully refine up to the +10 level.

I made a second attempt of on my accessory +8 LUK Necklace and by using another sacrificial item first and with the point one method. It went downgrade to +7 and then straight three successful refine up to the +10 level.

For a disclaimer, I am not making an assurance that it will work 100% all the time but basing on my observation on other refining videos and also by personal experience discussed above, I will say that it works when you are ‘feeling lucky’ like that in the Google homepage.

Thanks for reading and until the next blog post.