Ragnarok M 2.0 – WonderBoys War of Emperium (Aug 26th, 2021)

The Ragnarok M 2.0 War of Emperium battle turns into a War and this time, with the Erebus guild. The rival decided to visit our guild channel with the plan of overthrowing our Agit Castle and denying us of one. We initially planned to just have a perfect defense first before changing channels to engage them but they initiated first.

We did a hard defense but their breakers were able to slip through and break our Emperium. Retaking it also proved impossible given our guild members only two-thirds online. Still, we get to acquire another Agit 1 Castle in Prontera North before a strong guild, Inferno, attacked us.

Without further ado, check out our guild WonderBoys War of Emperium battle recap on the Youtube video below.