The Return to Healthy Living

I have to finally pursue this decision to go back to the healthy foods and activities like jogging and going to the gym. After a few busy months of travel and working on my projects on DURP, I think I can somewhat focus on the proper things to start on and work from there. That would need to be planned carefully such as details on the day-to-day diet plan and the workout routine. Since it is a few months left before we graduate on DURP which is on December, it is best to start this month of October.

I have already started buying anti-oxidant drinks to start cleaning my stomach and intestines and also having to limit my diet with less fat and intake of rice. The problem is that on the current boarding house I am renting, they mostly cook pork-related dishes and also my favorite Bas-o. That self-control of eating too much rice with that delicious food is very much a challenge. I have to really adopt a strict self-discipline. I have also done an initial jogging last night at Esplanade and will make this as a regular activity as long as my feet and knees can handle. I will also do some lower stomach kicking routines I got from an exercise channel on YouTube as another option in case I could not jog.

I would also opt to walk more instead of commuting and hopefully soon from office to the boarding house. That is, will be based on certain conditions like rain and flood. If given the budget, my long-term plan is to buy a foldable bike for daily use. That is another topic though.

Anyhow, what I would need is a definite plan which would serve as a firsthand basis. I hope to come up of it as soon as possible.