Dragon Momoko to Release MG Tallgeese III

Dragon Momoko to Release MG Tallgeese III
Third party companies creating Gunpla kits has been very active in the recent months, a few of them somewhat surpass that of Bandai’s. Two most active were Daban Model and Dragon Momoko. Their kit releases were mostly from the recent series and the quality improving in each new batch.

I recently bought one, Daban Model’s Tallgeese I which I would still yet to build. Also, another one that I will add on my future buy list is the Master Grade Tallgeese III from Dragon Momoko. To note, Bandai has not yet released a Master Grade version of this mobile suit, only the HG 1/100 scale. I am excited what features DM will include, and the weapons it will have.

Here are some previews I’ve found on various Gunpla groups in FB.


MG Tallgeese III

MG Tallgeese III