From HG to MG and a GM

I am planning to buy more HG 1/144 kits from the Universal Century line but recently had second thoughts. It is because of the display quality of those kits during toy display events here in Iloilo. It’s basically that HG kits don’t attract the attention of people to look into Gunpla. Sure they can be posed but they aren’t detailed enough.

I am thinking on switching on Master Grade on my collection for a bit. Friends and fellow collectors also seem to agree on this. For now, I’ll just direct my attention to specific HG kits that can at least give value of its features when displayed.

My next kit on the list is the HGUC 1/144 RGM-79 Powered GM. This orange armored MS is priced around 1260 Yen or approx. 700 php. I’ll not go into detail why I chose this kit. Instead, I’ll just give you this link of the review.

Click Here. (Make sure to translate it into English first, unless of course, you know how to read Japanese)