HG Deathscythe Hell Custom Gunpla Project

This is somewhat a pretty late update of my works in my Gunpla modeling hobby, but nevertheless I am still sharing this with you guys. I’ve been checking the Gundam series releases on which series should I complete my collection first. Initially, my plan is to complete the Gundam Seed HG 1/144 kits but only to find out that there’s really a lot Gundam models released from that series, not including the Gundam Destiny expansion.

With that, I stopped from that series at the moment and checked out the Endless Waltz. They are pretty much old kits (way back from 1998) but the good thing is that there are only 6 to collect and they pretty much sold at a lower price than the latest high-grade kits from Bandai. So I give these series a shot and started with the 1/144 HG Deathscythe Hell Custom.

The package box when it arrived at the HQ.

The initial protective bubble wrap. Good thing it was wrapped very well.

The kit's box cover

The runners and the manual. It had like 3 for the body parts and one for the polycaps.

The initial plan is to cut and separate by color. Also sanded the parts to be painted.

I used the other spray painting 'jutsu' just to try it out. These are the parts to be painted flat black.

The side view.

The 'batman' wings also to be covered with flat black paint.

The body components after painting and assembling.

The other paints I used were the Gun Metal for the scythe’s handle, the Grey color for the hands and the joint parts, Apple Green for the scythe beam and the Red one for the edge part of the bat wings.

Here is the final completed look of the Deathscythe Hell Custom (I forgot to open the wings when I took the pictures. lol)

Overall, it is an excellent build despite the little articulation. I don’t give it to pose much but I like seeing it hover on top of my workstation. Also, it needs to cleanup a bit on the space on the fitted edges (obviously seen on the last pic) and the nub marks. I still need to learn the process on removing the nub marks using putty for plastics.

For a better build, I’d suggest you get the Master Grade version of this kit but if you’re just the collector type, this HG one will work.

Until the next post/project I guess. 🙂