Work in Progress: High Grade S-Gundam Part 1

Hi all, sorry for the late blog update. I had been doing a lot of things these past days, most of which includes attending to my girlfriend’s short vacation here in Iloilo. She took a short pre-Christmas break from and despite of that short period, we had a lot of fun together.

Anyhow, I think she’s very worth the mention on this blog post because of this Gundam kit that she bought for me (Thanks so much Bebs!). This is the latest of my Gunpla works and I am very excited to finish this project. The kit is the HG 1/144 MSA-0011 S-Gundam which she bought at GTO. I did a quick search on the reviews and saw the kit’s complex articulation and design which I really liked.

So without further ado, here is part one of my work in progress.

The kit's box cover. Awesome art.


The kit's manual on top and a few unopened runners.


There are a total of five runners, and three for the polycaps. Too many for a typical High-Grade kit.


S-Gundam's Mobile suit detailed info. Weapons, poses, and stuff.


Started cutting with Runner A.


The cut white parts. I think these are for the backpack cannons.


These parts are being dried after washing with water and a little of detergent powder.


The black plastic parts being washed to remove the dirt and oil residue.


Parts cleaned with water after the detergent wash.

My plan of paint is to use the metallic colors for the blue armor and dark parts. I’ve bought a Metallic Blue Bosny for the first one and Tamiya Gun Metal for the inner armor, backpack boosters and weapon. Hopefully the color combination will work out well.

I guess that’s about it for now. Tune in for part two of this Gunpla project. Also, for my previous Gunpla posts, just check it out here.