Work in Progress: HG 144 RX-78-2

Here is an update of the kit that I am currently working on, the High Grade 1/144 RX-78-2 popularly known as ‘Lolo Gundam’. I only got time this week to finish removing the parts from the runners and cleaning the nub marks. Here are some WIP pics.

First one is cutting the parts from the runners and trimming and sanding down the extra plastic.

Here are the tools I’ve used. The Red Gundam Marker is to hide the white plastic remains where the nub marks has been cut.

Another shot of my working area.

The spray painting method I used is the usual, with Flat Clear for most of the parts and Grey for the grey parts.

I am planning to finish this kit by Sunday so I could start on repairing the thigh part of my Sazabi and also plan a color theme for my entry for GFP’s Transversal event.

Until next post.