This blog post was supposed to be what I have lined up for today but since it is already 5:00 pm and my head is still hurting from the somewhat slight migraine, I am sharing with you guys what are my tasks for tonight’s Maundy Thursday, a special Christian holiday.
First off, I will be writing three regular blog posts for Deathmarked with the current one in the works that are about a deck tech about Dominaria Standard. The topics of the rest are Short Report on the Traffic Situation in Pison Avenue-Tabucan Mandurriao crossing and Why I am fond of Eating Spicy Noodles.
Second, we are supposed to work on finalizing the content for Chapter 3 of our Research paper in our P299 class in the current DURP course in UP Graduate school but my groupmates seemed to be busy observing this special day. Also, our teacher has not yet replied to our Chapters sent last time so I’d guess we will just continue the write-up of our Chapter 4. I have yet to know the Data Analysis Procedure to use for the results so I think I might need to watch tutorial videos on that one.
Wrapping up the night with some bottles of ice-cold beer would be nice. That is if the nearby convenience store is open. I doubt it though.
That is a wrap. I will be back to writing that deck tech so presume that the next blog post to be up by around 8:00 pm.