AER Standard Deck Tech: B/G Energy

We were recently brewing some Standard decks with my friend Rey Victor and he mentioned of a Green Black version of the Pummeler Energy deck. Aether Revolt offered some new gears for the deck and the need for Red is somehow not that important. The Black replacement opens the access to effective spot removals like Fatal Push as well as discard spells like Transgress the Mind, not to mention the Winding Constrictor. I made an initial decklist of the build below.

4 Servant of the Conduit
4 Winding Constrictor
4 Longtusk Cub
4 Electrostatic Pummeler
4 Bristling Hydra
3 Rishkar, Peema Renegade
2 Verdurous Gearhulk

4 Attune with Aether
4 Blossoming Defense
4 Larger than Life
3 Highspire Infusion

4 Aether Hub
4 Blooming Marsh
6 Forest
6 Swamp