An M14 Experience in Bacolod

It was another Magic-filled Saturday as I went to Bacolod yesterday to participate in their Magic 2014 Coreset Prerelease. It was only me and Oliver that represented Team Iloilo. The tournament was scheduled at 10am so we had to get on the first trip of Supercat fast craft to be there on time.

We arrived past 9am and waited for Sir Anton to fetch us and to get to Master’s place. It was a bit early so we took a short breakfast at his place at Got5 before heading there. We went around 10am and still waited for the others to come. We went inside after a few 30 minutes or so after Gboy notified Master. We hanged out at his recreation room while still waiting for the tournament organizer and other participants.

The tournament started a few minutes before eleven as we cracked open the M14 booster packs and started sorting the cards for the deck building. It was my worst rare card pool as all I’ve opened were crap rares. Anyhow, I still managed to build a good deck thanks to Oliver and the short playtest. The deck was a Green White splash Red Slivers archetype with a few spot removals.

The summary of the matchup results were as follows:

Round one won 2-0
Round two won 2-0
Round three lost 0-2
Round four won 2-1

The round three loss was from Master’s powerful pool of Green and White critters. The sorcery Enlarge mostly was the tempo turner of the games wherein he gets to kill my creature while dealing huge chunks of damage.

I got into third place while Oliver won the shirt with his 1st place finish. I was happy that the deck’s performance turned up pretty well despite not having any Rare cards in it.

After the main event, the group agreed to hold an M14 booster draft. I was into the first pod and my first pick of Pack 1 was the uncommon Doom Blade (since I opened another crap rare that time).

I ended up drafting Black White after my third pick Serra Angel. The deck setup was midrange-ish with removals and high-toughness critters like Pillarfield Ox. I managed to 3-0 that pod, yey! The matchups were:

Round 1 vs Black Red 2-0
Round 2 vs GWR 2-0
Round 3 vs Mono Red 2-0

Overall, it was a worth it trip. The Bacolod peeps were still one of the nicest and coolest groups I’ve meet and I enjoyed their company very much. Big thanks for the accommodation.

Here is a slideshow of the pics I took during the tournament and draft sessions.