I am going to deceive myself again by putting up this Gunpla buylist for future purchases. This is to limit myself into buying unnecessary kits, in addition that I am also to have my budget for the group buy of Magic 2014 singles. Also, there are still pending backlog kits that I have to complete before buying new ones.
Here is my Gunpla buylist for the coming months, or so.
1/100 MG Gundam RX-78-2 Ver.3.0 – I’ve already made reservation of this kit from my friend Dexter, and hopefully this will arrive by August. This recent version’s articulation was rumored to be based from that of the Real Grade RX-78-2.

Pic source: Hobbylink Japan
1/100 MG Kaempfer – I am planning to purchase my second Master Grade from the Neo Zeon team and this kit got my attention. It has always been one of the best choices and is recommended by most builders.
1/100 MG Tallgeese I – Since I already have two MG kits from the Wing series, why not buy a third? This time it is the antagonist Tallgeese I mobile suit. The kit’s unique design which was not duplicated on other Gundam series made me consider it on this list.

Pic source: Gunjap.net
So that’s about three Master Grades for the coming months. Hopefully I can complete this buy by the end of August. Future Gunpla sale please do come lol.
*banner pic from Gunpla-inochi.com