ELD Card Preview: Wicked Wolf

I had mentioned before of a plan to build a Standard deck that is tribal to Wolves after seeing the M20 card, Night pack Ambusher. Seeing today’s Throne of Eldraine card spoiler has somewhat increased the chance of the deck seeing play in the format. The card that I will talk about is Wicked Wolf.

At first look, it is just a four-drop creature that fights off random two-power or fewer creatures of the opponents. The value is of the average on a 3/3 body, but the second ability is what makes it interesting. All you have to do is to feed it, with Food. Literally. Food tokens are what makes this guy a relevant threat in the late game.

The first Food sacrificed makes it a 4/4 with the +1/+1 counter and gains indestructible. The only drawback is you have to tap it. It ain’t of a big deal though if you use the ability at the right time. For instance, you sacrifice the Food after you declared it as an attacker and tapped it. The drawback will then become redundant.

The only problem here is if you run out of ‘Food’ sources, which means you cannot protect it for a future spot or mass removals. That would also mean that you use the ability wisely and only in dire situations.

Going back to the Wolf tribe deck, I would only include two or three copies in the deck as it conflicts with the four-mana cost row which at times may result in clunky draws. The Flashy wolf is still the priority unless the set will reveal a card that will burst out Food tokens every turn which will feed Wicked Wolf.

That is about it for this card preview for now. Until the next blog post.