Essential Playstyles of White and Green Colors in Magic: the Gathering

In Magic: The Gathering (MTG), White and Green represent two colors that offer a distinct contrast to the more manipulative approaches of Blue and Black. Both colors emphasize straightforward strategies, often based on creatures, teamwork, and efficient use of resources.

Here below is a breakdown of the essential playstyles of White and Green, as well as how they work together when combined.

1. White Playstyles: Aggro, Control, and Enchantments

White’s core philosophy revolves around order, law, and community. This is reflected in its playstyles that emphasize cooperation, protection, and structured gameplay.

A. Aggro

White is known for its aggressive strategies, especially focused on wide, creature-based approaches.

  • Go-Wide Tactics: White excels at creating a large number of small creatures, often tokens, and overwhelming opponents through sheer numbers. Cards like Raise the Alarm and Spectral Procession can quickly generate a significant board presence.
  • Efficient Creatures: White tends to have many low-cost creatures with abilities that synergize well with one another. Cards like Luminarch Aspirant or Thalia’s Lieutenant help creatures grow stronger over time.
  • Combat Synergy: White often employs anthem effects, like Honor of the Pure or Glorious Anthem, which boost the power and toughness of all its creatures, making swarming even more dangerous for opponents.
  • First Strike and Vigilance: White’s creatures frequently have abilities like First Strike and Vigilance, allowing them to attack and still block, increasing their effectiveness in both offense and defense.

B. Control

Though white isn’t as focused on countering or drawing cards like blue, it excels in controlling the battlefield, especially through combat and the manipulation of creatures.

  • Board Wipes: White is the color most associated with mass removal. Cards like Wrath of God and Day of Judgment allow white to reset the board, eliminating creature threats.
  • Protection and Prevention: White has numerous spells and abilities that prevent damage or protect creatures, such as Teferi’s Protection or Selfless Savior, allowing it to stall or outlast aggressive opponents.
  • Taxing Effects: Cards like Thalia, Guardian of Thraben and Archon of Emeria tax opponents by making their spells cost more or limiting the number of spells they can cast per turn, slowing down faster decks.

C. Enchantments

White has a strong focus on enchantments, particularly those that protect or enhance its creatures or control the battlefield.

  • Auras and Buffs: White offers powerful auras like All That Glitters and Griffin Guide that make creatures more formidable.
  • Control Through Enchantments: Cards like Banishing Light or Oblivion Ring serve as versatile removal for any nonland permanent, often clearing problematic threats efficiently.
  • Pillowfort Strategies: In multiplayer formats, White excels at setting up “pillowfort” strategies, using enchantments like Ghostly Prison and Sphere of Safety to deter attacks and protect itself from damage.

2. Green Playstyles: Ramp, Aggro, and Midrange

Green’s philosophy revolves around nature, growth, and instinct. Its playstyles are centered around the raw power of creatures, mana acceleration, and resource dominance.

A. Ramp

Green is the color of mana acceleration, frequently using ramp spells to get ahead in resources and cast massive creatures or spells earlier than expected.

  • Land Ramp: Cards like Cultivate, Rampant Growth, and Kodama’s Reach allow green decks to pull lands from the library and ramp up their mana base quickly.
  • Mana Dorks: Green also uses creature-based ramp, like Llanowar Elves or Birds of Paradise, which provide early-game mana acceleration, allowing for explosive mid-game plays.
  • Big Threats: With all that extra mana, green players can cast enormous creatures earlier than usual. Cards like Craterhoof Behemoth, Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger, or Primeval Titan are common top-end threats in green ramp decks.

B. Aggro

Green’s aggressive strategies revolve around large, efficient creatures and combat superiority.

  • Creature Size and Efficiency: Green has some of the most cost-efficient creatures in the game. Cards like Leatherback Baloth or Steel Leaf Champion offer large stats for their mana cost, making them excellent for aggressive play.
  • Trample: Green’s big creatures often come with Trample, allowing them to push through damage even if they’re blocked. Cards like Garruk’s Companion or Rhonas the Indomitable embody this theme.
  • Combat Tricks: Green also employs instant-speed buffs and combat tricks like Giant Growth and Blossoming Defense, surprising opponents with sudden increases in power or protection during combat.

C. Midrange

Green’s midrange strategy focuses on building incremental board presence and overwhelming the opponent with a mix of ramp, efficient creatures, and utility.

  • Resilient Creatures: Green’s creatures often have natural resilience or the ability to regenerate or persist. Thrun, the Last Troll and Strangleroot Geist are examples of difficult-to-remove threats.
  • Creature Synergy: Green can support creature-heavy strategies through synergistic effects like Collected Company, Garruk, Caller of Beasts, or Chord of Calling, enabling it to get key creatures onto the battlefield at the right time.
  • Mana Sinks: Green decks often take advantage of having lots of mana by including cards with abilities that allow extra mana to be spent, like Hydra Broodmaster or End-Raze Forerunners.

3. Synergy Between White and Green (Selesnya)

White and Green together form the Selesnya color combination, which often emphasizes cooperation, efficiency, and creature-based synergy. The union of these two colors brings out the best of both their philosophies.

  • Go-Wide Strategies: Selesnya often builds wide with token-generating spells like March of the Multitudes or Scion of the Wild, then uses White’s anthem effects (Intangible Virtue, Cathars’ Crusade) to make those tokens threatening.
  • Creature Synergy: The combination of White’s protection effects (Heroic Intervention, Rootborn Defenses) and Green’s raw power makes it hard for opponents to efficiently deal with the Selesnya board.
  • Lifegain and Resilience: Many Selesnya decks incorporate lifegain strategies, with cards like Rhox Faithmender and Archangel of Thune, turning excess life into board-wide benefits or making the game unwinnable for aggressive opponents.
  • Enchantments and Auras: Selesnya frequently builds around auras and enchantments, such as in Bogles (Hexproof creatures that are enhanced by auras) or Enchantress decks, where White’s enchantment synergy combines with Green’s resilience and card draw from enchantments like Argothian Enchantress.


Both White and Green bring highly efficient, creature-centric strategies to the table in Magic: The Gathering. White is known for its wide, aggressive creature swarms, protection effects, and battlefield control through taxing and board wipes. Green, on the other hand, focuses on mana acceleration, raw creature power, and resource dominance through ramp and efficient threats.

When combined, White and Green (Selesnya) create a powerful synergy of go-wide, creature-focused strategies that benefit from anthem effects, token generation, and lifegain. This union is perfect for players who enjoy creating overwhelming board states, gaining advantages through cooperation and strength in numbers while maintaining resilience through White’s defensive tools and Green’s ability to ramp into larger, more powerful threats.