Extra Turns Deck is Making a Comeback in MOM Aftermath Standard

The MTG Blue Red (Izzet) Turns deck refers to a deck archetype in Magic: The Gathering that combines Blue and Red to create a strategy focused on taking extra turns and manipulating the game’s tempo. This archetype is commonly known as “Blue Red Turns” or “Time Warp” due to its reliance on cards that grant additional turns.

The Blue Red Turns deck aims to control the game and disrupt the opponent’s strategy by repeatedly taking extra turns while denying the opponent opportunities to act. This allows the deck to develop its board state, generate card advantage, and apply pressure over an extended period.

The deck typically includes cards that grant extra turns, such as “Time Warp,” “Temporal Mastery,” “Nexus of Fate,” and “Temporal Manipulation.” These spells allow you to skip the opponent’s turn and take multiple consecutive turns, gaining an advantage in terms of resources, board presence, and card advantage.

To support the time manipulation theme, Blue Red Turns decks often include cards that can manipulate the library or manipulate the top of the deck, popular old card staples such as “Brainstorm,” “Serum Visions,” or “Sensei’s Divining Top.” These cards help ensure the availability of extra turn spells and filter draws to find the desired pieces.

Control elements are also important in Blue Red Turns decks. Counterspells, removal spells, and disruption tools help protect the extra-turn spells and maintain control of the game. By denying the opponent’s key plays and protecting your game plan, you can create a favorable board state and secure victory. Adding a third color such as Black is also possible so as to access solid spot removals and discard spells to interact with your opponents’ gameplan before you take over the turns.

Overall, the Blue Red Turns deck offers a unique and strategic playstyle, leveraging the manipulation of time to gain an advantage over opponents. It requires careful planning, timing, and resource management to effectively control the game and utilize the extra turns to secure victory.

Here below is the Grixis version that we are working on that is enclosed in a Control strategy shell before pulling off the multiple turns with the Alchemist Gambit card. Do check out the gameplay below.