GRN Prerelease Iloilo Day 1 at Reis

I was able to drop by Pro Reis Place right after my Saturday class in Urban Planning at UP Visayas and boy it was jam-packed even if only about 28 players arrived to play firsthand the Guilds of Ravnica Set. I saw two of my teammates there playing Golgari and Selesnya and got very lucky to open a foil and a regular Assassin’s Trophy, the set’s most hyped card. That then tempted me to open a PR kit since Rei has a few boxes left with Boros and Izzet guild.

I first picked Boros hoping for a foil Aurelia for a Prerelease card but it ended up as a disappointment. It was only a crappy foil Citywide Bust and for the rest of the packs in that box, it was only Niv Mizzet that would probably useful in Standard. I scoured around checking the matches and talking to people about their pulls and the rulings.

I was still thinking that time to open another PR kit and still very hopeful to get something worth of my buck. I chose Dimir this time as Doom Whisperer is also a chased Mythic. I took a peek at the seeded pack, slowly opening it and resulted in a frowned face. It was the Rare Dimir split card which does not have any value on its current price. I then opened one by one the rest of the packs with my hopes slowly fading out. It was the second booster pack that I accidentally flipped a foil Steam Vents. Yes, finally a bang for my buck. I was already counting in my head the worth of the card and if it can cover the 1,200 prices of the PR kit. The next booster pack opened was also another major surprise. It was the hyped card, Assassin’s Trophy. I was trying to hide my excitement at that time as we would not worry now in buying the card as we would have at the least three copies in our card pool. I opened the remaining packs and did not care if it were ordinary rares as I have already achieved my objective.

I will end this post with the pics I took at the GRN Prerelease venue. Enjoy.