Innistrad Midnight Hunt Card Preview: Infernal Grasp

While I still haven’t experience the tabletop gameplay of Standard with Adventures in the Forgotten Realms, the next set’s card previews got an initial launch with an announcement from the Magic: the Gathering Official Facebook page. The Innistrad: Midnight Hunt inital previews was streamed on their Twitch channel and was also posted on Daily MTG website right after. The excitement of new cards again with the comparison of the previous Innistrad sets gets me the feel of the set’s theme and mechanics improving.

Today’s card preview however, was found in one of the Reddit’s MTG threads and in relation to my previous post on the Top Ten Black Removals in Standard, this is a new contender. Check out Infernal Grasp.

Two-mana Instant to destroy any creature at a cost of two life. Is that a drawback? I don’t think so. A mere two life for just any creature it can destroy at an instant speed. That’s 10/10 already. Black has a lot of ways to gain life, much more when paired with White for the Orzhov colors. The current Angels deck gains life like there is no tomorrow and this is a good addition to their board control options. The same can also be said for other three-color decks having Black.

Will this become a staple spot removal? Of course, but not as a playset. Orzhov Angels might have it as so but for a regular build and knowing that Mono Red and Green Aggro still exists in the metagame. I’d say having two copies in the maindeck is enough. This is also rotation safe and a good replacement for the Heartless Act that will be out by November this year.

That is a wrap for this card preview. Any comments and reactions are pretty much welcome so just place them in the comment box below.

Thanks and until next blog post.