Magic 2014 Coreset Partial Spoiler

Time seems to fly fast as another Mtg core set is looming on the horizon. The upcoming Magic 2014 core set is set to be released this July and as of this time, 97 cards of the set has already been revealed. A few of my favorites are the reprinting of Chandra’s Phoenix, Ratchet Bomb, and the Legacy staple Scavenging Ooze.

The set feature a sort-of return of Slivers in new evolved form. Other new cards I like are Ajani’s Chosen, Liliana’s Reaver, Grim Return, Shadowborn Demon and the Green sorcery Savage Summoning.

This card looks good as sideboard for Jund midrange decks, letting you resolve a Sire of Insanity discarding opponents’ hand.

For partial list of Magic 2014 Coreset spoilers, you can check it here.