M:tG Worlds Week Schedule

This week will hold the biggest events in this year of Magic: the Gathering. It will be the Worlds Week, wherein the World Championship and the World Magic Cup will happen in the city of Amsterdam, capital of the Netherlands. For a quick info (and to quote from the mothership arcana):

World Championship – This was known as the Magic Players Championship last year. It is the sixteen best players in the world battling it out in a high stakes tournament that pits them against each other round after round.

World Magic Cup – This tournament features national teams from countries around the world. Last year, Puerto Rico and Chinese Taipei duked it out in the finals before Chinese Taipei won it all.

The coverage will start on Wednesday, July 31, with Day 1 of the World Championships. The rounds for the day will consist of Modern Masters Draft (Rounds 1–3) and Standard for Rounds 4–6.

On the second day, the players will be drafting Magic 2014 (Rounds 7–9) and then playing Modern to finish the day for Rounds 10–12.

On the third day (August 2, 2013) will start the World Magic Cup as seventy one countries from all over the globe sent in their best players to form a team to battle it out. The teams will build Magic 2014 Sealed before then competing with Unified Standard. Unified Standard means that the teams must play Standard decks, but no card can be represented more than four times total in all of each team’s decks.

I am wishing the best of luck for the Team Philippines to bring home the bacon. Go Team Ph!

The rest of the info and schedule of live broadcast can be found here.

*banner pic from Twitter