My Top 10 Magic: the Gathering Slangs

Magic slangs were invented by the players as to have a term on certain actions or aspects of the game, from the deckbuilding process & card mechanics and up to the actual gameplay. I got to learn a few of these slangs or nicknames in my early years of playing Magic and so the list goes on and on with every set introduced that has a new feature in the game.

Here are the Top 10 Magic: the Gathering slangs I use which you can also apply during your games whether casual or competitive in your local game stores.

Aggro – Short for ‘aggressive’, aggro is used to define a deck or archetype which is highly dependent on creature combat and aggressive attacks (also ‘beatdown’). The aim is to develop an advantage in the game before the opponent. Usually, Aggro decks have a low mana curve and try to overwhelm the opponent before they can build any board presence or stabilize.

Board Wipe – A spell that destroys/exile/neutralizes all creatures currently in play. Famous examples include Wrath of God and Jokulhaups. Also known as a board sweep in some groups.

Disruption – Cards that try to stump opponents’ attempts to do whatever it is that their deck wants to do, or get in the way of their strategy. Usually, this refers to hand disruption, like discard spells. However, counterspells, for example, can also “disrupt” a combo.

Gas – Cards which you would like to draw, that are relevant, or that “fuel” your game plan. Generally, non-land cards. “This hand is nothing but gas!” Conversely, when you’re at the end of the game and are low on resources, you’ve run out of gas.

Lethal – Opportunity to deal enough damages to deplete the opponent Life points to 0.

Permission – A style of play that involves hardcore/dedicated counter-magic. The permission player attempts to counter every important spell the opponent plays, and simply to draw plenty of extra cards to ensure more counters are available. The term “permission” comes from the way the opponent will end up asking whether each of their spells resolves or is countered.

Spike Player type or simply Spike – The tournament player’, aggressive and competitive. Spike gets their greatest joy from proving something by winning.

Rakdos – Ravnican guild representing Black/Red. Now used to describe any Black/Red card or deck.

Stabilize – When one player is being attacked repeatedly, (i.e. by the beatdown player) they can be said to have “stabilized” when that player can no longer make profitable attacks, and the slower, or control, a player is more or less in control of the game.

Weenie – A small creature, with low power and toughness. Any archetype or deck which uses Weenies as the victory condition is also referred to as a Weenie Deck, most commonly in white, hence “White Weenie”. Usually abbreviated to lowercase ‘w’ to distinguish it from the color W and preceding it by the color of the deck; White Weenie becomes Ww, and Black-White Weenies becomes BWw.

You can check the complete list of Magic Slangs on the link below: