Potential Return of Zombies Tribal in Innistrad: Midnight Hunt

The card spoilers from the Magic: the Gathering Innistrad: Midnight Hunt set are being constantly released every day on various websites and social media platforms. The upcoming new cards reveal some deck archetype potentials and one of which is the support for the tribal Zombies build. Here are a few cards that we know so far that would fit in the list.

Champion of the Perished – The Zombie version of the well-known one-mana drop in the Modern Humans deck, is looking to prove its worth in the newest version of the tribal Zombie deck.

Bladestitched Skaab – a two-drop Zombie lord with a decent survival p/t is what any aggro tribal deck would need. This surely is a playset in the list. Venturing to a Dimir version would open more possible card components that can be included, considering of course counterspells against the control deck’s Mass or Spot removal spells.

Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia – A Human Wizard that generates 2/2 Zombies at end of turn which token generation is easily done with just a simple condition. Token sources such as this card are good inclusions for the deck build which we will check later on as more card spoilers are revealed.

These are the cards that we know so far that will compose a Standard Zombies deck. Going with the Blue-Black colors is already a strong feature of the deck build and given that the current mana fixing in the format is enough to avoid any mana issues during gameplay.

That is about it and until the next blog post.