The recent prerelease on Ravnica Allegiance went very basic because of the major reason that the Prerelease products got delayed in its releasing from the Bureau of Customs. Instead, the distributor Neutral Grounds has sent the local gamestores regular RNA Booster boxes to compensate to the scheduled Prerelease weekend last January 19th and 20th. We had no choice but to push through as most had already reserved that day expecting to play first-hand the new set with the proper products. Anywho, Rei got to start his event at around 3:30pm and informed that there were lesser participants than the intended. I had to do some important stuff that time so I just inquired later on that evening of the outcome.
Come Sunday, I went to Critical Hit at Festive Mall to join the scheduled Prerelease that afternoon. I arrived 5 minutes last past 1:00pm and the players were already starting to build their decks. There were about 14 participants in total. I then immediately paid the reg. fee, grabbed my six booster packs and went to a vacant table to build my deck. After twenty minutes of pondering and sorting through my card pile, I decided to go Gruul with a Splash of Blue for some combat trick spells. Unfortunately, I ended up with just a 2-2 record, losing to two Rakdos aggro decks in Round 3 and 4. Anyhow, I was able to value my Prerelease registration as I was able to open a Domri, Blood Crypt and Kaya’s Wrath. I remembered the finals for the 4-0 record was a mirror match between Mardu decks, one of which defeated me in Round 3.
Lastly, I took some pics during my vacant period during the rounds and here they are below. They were posted at the Critical Hit: Comics and Games page.