Standard Dimir Control might be the Better Control Standard Deck

One of the decks that the card pool has been testing in the recent Magic: the Gathering Standard metagame was the version of the Dimir Control deck that got a few upgrades from the Murders at Karlov Manor set. The deck is in a position to be better in terms of its matchup against other midrange and control decks in the Standard format as Black’s discard spells are the main reason.

As for the counterspells and card draw spells, the usability is somewhat on par with that of Azorius as similar cards are being used in the two deck archetypes. This is confirmed when the two decklists are shown side-by-side.

As for the Magic: the Gathering Arena gameplay, we decided to do some ranked matches with the deck which list was referenced from the recently posted tournament results for Magic: the Gathering Online in sites such as MTG Top 8. Please check them out below.

We might be testing the deck archetype again as a part of our lineup of decks to playtest once Outlaws of Thunder Junction is legal to play in Standard. Thank you for reading and until the next blog post.