Standard Dimir Control might be the Better Control Standard Deck

One of the decks that the card pool has been testing in the recent Magic: the Gathering Standard metagame was the version of the Dimir Control deck that got a few upgrades from the Murders at Karlov Manor set. The deck is in a position to be better in terms of its matchup against other midrange and control decks in the Standard format as Black’s discard spells are the main reason.

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Magic: the Gathering Standard Temur Lands Deck Gameplay

Magic: the Gathering Arena has been our card pool’s go-to platform in terms of playtesting the new builds as well as the innovative lists that the pro players have been testing as well for the Standard format. One of the currently popular decks that I will highlight in today’s blog post is the formulation of the Temur Control Lands deck. The new cards from the Murders at Karlov Manor, Aftermath Analyst, and Worldsoul’s Rage have solidified the deck into its current version found in the daily and special tournaments.

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