Standard Temur Dragons Part 2

I did a second run of the Temur Dragons deck last weekend and still, I am satisfied with the results. The deck went 2-2 from the initial 2-0 record last Friday’s FNM losing to a resolved Ugin planeswalker from Naya Ramp and a curved Abzan aggro on the third game. Continue reading

BFZ Standard Deck Tech: Temur Dragons

BFZ Standard Temur Dragons

My recent brew was the recent version of Temur Dragons which was piloted on last Friday’s FNM at our local gamestore at Rei’s place. The deck went 2-0-1 since it was only a 3-round event and so far it performed above my expectations. I finished in First place, only slightly ahead on percentage from the second which also got 7 points. The matchups were as follows:

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