I did a second run of the Temur Dragons deck last weekend and still, I am satisfied with the results. The deck went 2-2 from the initial 2-0 record last Friday’s FNM losing to a resolved Ugin planeswalker from Naya Ramp and a curved Abzan aggro on the third game. Continue reading Standard Temur Dragons Part 2
Tag Archives: Dragons of Tarkir
BFZ Standard Deck Tech: Temur Dragons

My recent brew was the recent version of Temur Dragons which was piloted on last Friday’s FNM at our local gamestore at Rei’s place. The deck went 2-0-1 since it was only a 3-round event and so far it performed above my expectations. I finished in First place, only slightly ahead on percentage from the second which also got 7 points. The matchups were as follows:
Continue reading BFZ Standard Deck Tech: Temur DragonsStandard Deck Feature: Dragon Megamorph
For another Standard deck feature, here is an archetype that is another variance of the Megamorph strategy of Den Protector and Deathmist Raptor. This was revealed on last weekend’s Grand Prix in Shanghai, China and was piloted by Japanese Pro Yuuya Watanabe. Continue reading Standard Deck Feature: Dragon Megamorph
GP Shanghai Top 16 Standard Decks
The most recent Standard Grand Prix was held in Shanghai, China last weekend and the winner of that tournament was the Japanese Pro Yuuki Ichikawa. He piloted Abzan Control and he defeated Devsharan Singh and his Red Green Dragons deck in the finals. Continue reading GP Shanghai Top 16 Standard Decks
Standard Deck Feature: Mardu Dragons
The Standard format still continues to evolve and the recent trend are archetypes that strategies revolved around Dragons. Here is one of the decks that have been showing good finishes in the recent Grand Prix and online events. Continue reading Standard Deck Feature: Mardu Dragons
Team M14 Standard Deck Updates (5-7-15)
For today’s Standard deck updates of the Team M14 card pool, lists are being updated as based on the recent Grand Prix results in Sao Paulo, Brazil and in Toronto, Canada. The metagame slightly shifted away from Esper Dragons (based on Toronto Top 8 decks) Continue reading Team M14 Standard Deck Updates (5-7-15)