Tag Archives: Khans of Tarkir

FRF Standard Deck Tech: Mono Black Discard

For another round of the possible deck archetypes in Fate Reforged Standard, here is a creation that I found from the MTG Salvation forums that was built upon the M15 card: Waste Not. The added card from Fate Reforged was Dark Deal which looked to be the best discard combo Continue reading FRF Standard Deck Tech: Mono Black Discard

Magic: the Gathering January 16 Standard FNM Recap

Last Friday was another usual Friday Night Magic Standard tournament for the local Ilonggos who would feel to spend that night shuffling cards before the Fate Reforged Prerelease the next day. There were ten participants so that means a four-round tournament. Continue reading Magic: the Gathering January 16 Standard FNM Recap

Abzan Aggro in Fate Reforged Standard

Since a lot of the pros on various MtG sites have been doing their respective brews and update as well as discussion of the current top tier decks in the Standard metagame, I have decided to just post a decklist of a possible look of a deck in post-Fate Reforged Standard. Continue reading Abzan Aggro in Fate Reforged Standard