It is just a month to go before Ravnica Allegiance comes out but until now, there are no traces of cards spoilers from this set. Before there are a few promo foils that are leaked for the upcoming sets but lately they seem to be moderated well by the WotC authorities.
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April FNM Card is Call of the Conclave
The next promo card for the current month of April for Friday Night Magic events is another Green aligned card, and was once one of my personal favorites when Return to Ravnica entered Standard. It is the pseudo-Watchwolf sorcery named Call of the Conclave. Continue reading
Bant Auras wins Grand Prix Atlantic City

Last weekend featured two Grand Prix events in two cities, Atlantic City and Singapore. The former was Standard while the latter’s format was RTR Limited. One deck, which proved that the format has still room for innovation, emerged victorious in GP Atlantic City.
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The Magic: the Gathering deck archetype to discuss today is one of my fave decks since Lingering Souls was published in Standard. The previous version was just purely Black White but Green was too good not to include in the list. The current Junk Tokens build after the cut.
Continue readingNaya in Gatecrash: An Initial Look

As the Magic: the Gathering Gatecrash spoilers continue for the rest of January, we see Standard shaping up again. In particular, we will be seeing archetypes getting completely upgraded. One of which I will discuss today is the Naya Midrange deck.
Continue readingNotable Cards in Gatecrash Pt. 1
Its just one month to go and Ravnica’s expansion set Gatecrashed will be released. This set covers the remaining guilds Dimir, Orzhov, Simic, Boros and Gruul. So far the cards previewed showed potential for constructed gameplay. Here are my current favorites. Continue reading