Another deck tech from Pro Tour Ixalan that has gained a lot of followers online was the Blue White Cycling deck. It was piloted by Boussaud Eliott and finished in an outstanding 8-2 record. The MTG decklist after the cut.
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Magic: the Gathering AKH Standard Deck Feature: RG Monsters

I had piloted Monsters before during the Theros days in Magic: the Gathering Standard with Polukranus and Stormbreath Dragon as the deck’s main superstars. It is a good thing that they are still using the term again, this time with the recent addition of Amonkhet in Standard.
Continue readingStandard Deck Tech: Thopter Combo

There has been a barrage of Standard deck techs from my good friend Rey, given that Aether Revolt is already been months in the format. One of his creations is a build that gains an advantage by using the cards Decoction Module, Panharmonicon, and creatures that generate energy counters. One of which, Whirling Virtuoso can be set up to generate infinite Thopter tokens.
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Blue White Flash edged the competition and other deck archetype as it grabbed the trophy and championship in last weekend’s GP Warsaw in Poland. The deck was piloted by Gabrielius Kaklauskus which he dominated the Top 8 filled with Black Green Delirium Continue reading
SOI Standard Deck Tech: U/W Aggro
For today’s Standard deck tech was from the recent StarcityGames open last weekend in Atlanta. Remember last time we mentioned Saito’s Blue Red Flyers deck? This version preferred White over Red to open access to powerful White based cards in the current format Continue reading
Standard Red White Midrange Version 2
Oath of the Gatewatch Gameday will be on this coming weekend and I am thinking about a deck that can be built based on our current card pool for the set. So far we have two Standard Tier 1 that are ready to play but then Gameday events are where most of Continue reading