The Best Sideboard Plan Against a Magic: the Gathering Combo Deck

Magic: the Gathering Combo decks are considered the third category of deck archetype strategies in the game. In the past, several combo pieces were banned due to their power level, and the consistency to win games instantly. One best example was the Splinter Twin deck.

When facing a Combo deck in Magic: the Gathering, your sideboard plan should aim to disrupt their combo and slow down their game plan. Here are some general tips for side boarding against a Combo deck:

Add in disruption spells: Include cards like Counterspells, Negate Thoughtseize, or Duress to disrupt their combo pieces or their ability to assemble the combo. Game 1 is usually hard as these disruption spells are usually in the sideboard list. Hence, it is safe to add these cards at least one or two copies in the main if you are expecting many combo decks in your local tournament or event.

Add in cards that can remove key combo pieces: Look for cards that can specifically target and remove the key cards or combo pieces the opponent relies on to execute their combo. The best examples are Jester’s Cap and The Stone Brain.

Add in cards that can prevent or disrupt their strategy: Consider including cards that can shut down specific strategies or disrupt their game plan. For example, cards that prevent untapping or limit the number of spells they can cast per turn. Several combo disruption card examples are Rule of Law, Grafdigger’s Cage, and Authority of the Consuls.

Add in cards that provide graveyard hate: If the Combo deck relies on the graveyard for their combo in which these shenanigans are usually common even for midrange decks, include cards that can exile or disrupt their graveyard. Some example cards are Nihil Spellbomb and Rest in Peace.

In conclusion, sideboarding is a crucial aspect of competitive Magic: the Gathering, and having a well-prepared sideboard plan can greatly improve your chances of success against these combo deck strategies. Remember, understanding the key weaknesses of the opponent’s strategy and selecting the right cards to disrupt their game plan is essential.