Theros Standard Brews: Orzhov Auras

Black White Aura deck
It was over a month since Theros became legal in M:tG Standard gameplay and I still think the format is open for deck archetype brews. Even with the creation of Mono Blue and Black Devotion decks, which are dominating and top choices to play, I still look forward to other archetypes that might fit well or at the least see gameplay in the format.

As I’ve cleared my head tonight, I decided to check some decks archetype and card components viable to create it. My initial idea in mind was the card interaction of Gift of Immortality and the Grey Merchant. I ended up making a Black White Aura deck instead. Here is my list:

9 Plains
7 Swamp
4 Godless Shrine
4 Temple of Silence

4 Fabled Hero
1 Agent of the Fates
4 Cartel Aristocrat
2 Hopeful Eidolon
4 Tormented Hero
4 Fiendslayer Paladin
4 Xathrid Necromancer

3 Dark Favor
4 Ethereal Armor
4 Gift of Orzhova
2 Gods Willing

Please do take note that this is a rough list, eventhough I did a few card switches and revisions. I think you’d all notice that the list looks like a Black White version of Humans from the Innistrad days Standard. I made the creature choices somewhat not rely much on the aura spells and can be efficient on their own. Hopeful Eidolon is a choice of both aura and critter which in late game can be bestowed on your best creature on the battlefield.

Fiendslayer Paladin is pseudo Hexproof to most removal in the format while Cartel Aristocrat can protect itself at the cost of your other subpar critters. Xathrid Necromancer makes sure you have insurance against Supreme Verdict and other sweeps, just not Anger of the Gods.

The enchantment count is thirteen in the deck with support of two Gods Willing for Heroic triggers and anti removal spells. The armor and gift are obvious choices, while Dark Favor is a good fast clock enabler.

At the moment, I am considering Soldier of the Pantheon over Tormented Hero but that would mean a cut further on my Black cards in the deck. Also, Soldier of the Pantheon can be enchanted by Gift of Orzhova which also can trigger awkward situations. Any suggestions might help and I am glad to hear them. You just write em’ up in the comment box below.

That is about it for this deck tech. I’ll definitely post a part two of this once there’s major deck update whatsoever.

Until next post.