War of the Spark Booster Unboxing Pt. 2

Here is the follow up blog post from my previous entry on the topic of unboxing a War of the Spark booster box. I already discussed the first two batch of card pulls and this time, I will show to you the opened relevant cards of the remaining booster packs.

For the third batch of opened War of the Spark booster packs, here they are below.

Karn, the Great Creator, Ugin, the Inefitable and a second copy of Chandra, Fire Artisan are probably the money Planeswalker cards here along with The Elderspell and Dreadhorde Arcanist which are played in Esper Control and Boros Feather decks respectively.

Solar Blaze can be an optional board sweep and Narset’s Reversal is pretty much a sideboard card of Blue tempo or Blue White control decks.

I did not took a picture of the remaining six booster packs after this batch as I opened only a bunch of regular rares that are at their least play is to be added as a single card sideboard of midrange and control decks. One or two card can be playable in the Commander format.

Overall, the booster box was quite below the average value. I did not opened a Teferi, Gideon or Liliana that might have increased the price but the decent number of playable rares and planeswalkers quite validated it.

Until the next blog post.