Going to be a Hectic Last Week of the Sem

As we approach the end of the semester for our Masteral on Urban and Regional Planning, we are required to create a research paper as our final output for the subject P239 Estate Planning. This is sort of a summary of all our learnings and theories implemented in the actual scenario.

Our subject of study was to conduct an assessment of the current scenario of boarding houses and dormitories managed or owned by the universities and colleges here in Iloilo City. The goal is to check the present state, including the demand and supply to cater to the students, the school initiatives to those needs and the possible options that we can recommend such as building design and location.

Our group (Me, Jeiya and Cyrus) has chosen West Visayas State University as our subject of study and so far we have conducted interviews with the dormitory manager and some of the student boarders. The pending tasks are mostly on how to turn the gathered data into information to be presented to the class this coming December 12th. So far there is less than a week of preparation and we needed to sum up our outline and prepare the Powerpoint slides.

We still have a long way to go and a lot of info to fill out in the paper. Hopefully, the school can finally provide their yearly profile so we can extract the needed and vital information that we can use as a basis for our implications and recommendations.

Wish us good luck.