M20 Card: Repeated Reverberation

What does it feel to get value on every spells you cast? It is like Magical Christmas land right? Having two effects from one card is just overwhelming especially in critical scenarios. One particular example is casting Elderspell on your opponent’s planeswalkers, and getting the extra loyalty counters to your own. For today’s card feature of the upcoming Core Set 2020, I have this card that presents thrice the value. Here is Repeated Reverberation:

At first glance it is suited to be a compo of Red Burn deck. Checking on the current Standard sets, there are enough spells to make this build viable. I would not want to go that route though as we have a lot of mana color access so we can have various versions. First question is: how to achieve this card advantage? The answer, lots of mana. You would either add Green to access mana ramp spells, or Blue for cards draws and to consistently play your lands each turn. I would like to detail with the latter as we have a lot of things to do than just building around this card.

For the Izzet build, we have the planeswalker Ral to further multiply the copies and with the possibility to one shot your opponent with just one burn spell. Here are the current components that I am looking at:  

1 Banefire
1 Fight with Fire
3 Lava Coil
4 Lightning Strike
4 Shock
2 Repeated Reverberation

2 Chart a Course
2 Chemister’s Insight
4 Ionize
3 Opt

Multi Colored
3 Ral, Storm Conduit
4 Goblin Electromancer

If the upcoming Magic 2020 Core set would have a newer version of a burn spell then maybe, I will include it in the list above. We will be sticking with the main strategy of burning out opponents via copied spells as soon as possible. The full decklist will be up and updated once the complete Magic 2020 Core set spoiler is out.

That is a wrap, until the next blog post.