The Sideboarding Basics in the MTG Pioneer Format

The sideboard is an essential part of competitive Magic: the Gathering decks, allowing you to adjust your deck to better handle specific matchups, whether Standard, Pioneer, Modern, etc. In any specific deck archetype in the format, I’ll give you some general advice on sideboarding in Pioneer. I would love to have all kinds of good cards for all the matchups, but the 13-card slot would not suffice.

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Magic: the Gathering Pioneer Green-White Auras Deck Archetype Defined

A Green-White (GW) Auras deck in Magic: The Gathering Pioneer format typically focuses on using enchantments, particularly auras, to enhance creatures and create powerful synergies. This deck archetype aims to maximize the effectiveness of auras and enchantments by applying them to creatures with strong abilities, making them difficult to deal with for your opponent.

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The Magic: the Gathering Dragonstorm Deck in a Nutshell

The Dragonstorm combo deck in Magic: The Gathering is a high-risk, high-reward strategy that revolves around a powerful sorcery spell called “Dragonstorm.” and was popular during the Time Spiral Standard and in major tournaments such as World Championships.

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