This coming weekend will be the scheduled Gameday tournaments for Magic Origins. The one event Rei sanctioned for MtG Iloilo is on Saturday, August 8. The format is Standard and the entry fee is 300php. Bad thing is I am going to miss this event as I will be Continue reading
Tag Archives: Magic Origins
Pro Tour: Origins Top 8 Decks
Here are the Top 8 decklists from the recently concluded Pro Tour: Magic Origins in Vancouver. My favorite was the deck archetype choice of Team Ultra Pro and Face-to-Face Games which I previously featured as a deck tech: Blue Red Artifacts. Continue reading
Magic Origins Standard Deck Tech: Starfield Enchantress
Here is another deck tech for Magic Origins Standard which I was supposed to publish last Friday but forgot to do it. The list is a Constellation build that features the new card Starfield of Nyx and the enchantment reprint Sigil of the Empty Throne. Continue reading
MtG Iloilo Tourneys for Last Week of July
This weekend’s tournament schedule will be on the boundary of July and August. The last Friday of July is reserved for the last Path to Exile FNM of the month and I am pretty sure a lot of players will be coming to battle for the last four copies of the said FNM promo foil card. Continue reading
Origins Standard Deck Feature: Abzan Rally
The recent deck archetype that was triumphant on last weekend’s StarcityGames Standard Open tournament was Abzan Rally by Ray Tautic. The deck’s initial strategy is to fill up the graveyard with critters while ramping up with the mana dudes. Continue reading
Magic Origins Sealed Practice Pt. 3

The third session of our playtest on Magic Origins Sealed happened last Sunday afternoon at Lanai Sports Bar and Grill. Tonton lends us the booster packs. Oliver joined us this time and he used the boosters he got from his Origins fatpack.
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