Magic: the Gathering Iloilo Tournaments this Week July 21-23

It is quite late to post this tournament schedule but nevertheless, I am sharing the MTG events that our local Magic Iloilo Community will be having this weekend. We start with a Friday Night Magic tonight at around 6 pm and next is tomorrow’s start of the Hour of Devastation Standard Showdown season. The rest of the tournaments are detailed below:

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Magic Open House at ProRei’s Place

It will be another special Saturday for the MTG Iloilo Community as we will be holding the Magic Open House, a weekend before the Hour of Devastation Prerelease. This event is sort of introducing new players to the game and teaching them the basics via the freebie welcome decks that Wizards has provided. I think we only have twenty for the store so it will be on a first-come, first-serve basis.

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Magic: the Gathering Standard Pauper Recap (June 17, 2017)

The current Standard Pauper tournament is gaining popularity recently as the second event was held last Saturday, June 17th. The new players and previous fans of the format have been enjoying the current metagame decks that were popularized Continue reading

GP Manila Preparations: BG Energy it is

It was good news for me recently as I will be finally going to Grand Prix Manila and that is because the entrance exam schedule was moved for my planned enrollment to UP Graduate Program’s Diploma in Urban Planning. With that confirmation, I immediately filed for a vacation leave and informed my pool mates of the possible decks available for the event.

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Magic: the Gathering Amonkhet Gameday at Reis Place

It is another serious mode tournament weekend for the Magic: the Gathering Iloilo Community as it will be the Amonkhet Gameday event. There are two scheduled this time and so far I have the information and detail from Rei’s Place.

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