Why Should Cities Invest in the Creative Industries

By definition and history of the term, the Creative City is a concept developed by Australian David Yencken in 1988 and has since become a global movement reflecting a new planning paradigm for cities. It was first described in his article ‘The Creative City’, published in the literary journal Meanjin. In this article, Yencken argues that while cities must be efficient and fair, a creative city must also be one that is committed to fostering creativity among its citizens and to providing emotionally satisfying places and experiences for them.

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Finally Reached 50,000 Views on my Youtube Channel

I started uploading videos on Youtube initially intended for my backup files from my digital camera way back in the late 2000s. I did not have hardware storage at that time, and so uploading was my only option. It was not as used to today, where I made it to a full-time web channel of my hobbies and related vlog stuff. That said, I am happy to share that I finally reached the 50,000 views threshold on my Youtube Channel, DeathMarked TV.

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Five Things to Do Before a Bike Long Ride

Preparations for a long bike ride are essential in order for your trip to be enjoyable and less stressed on the potential issues. Things from warming up, bike check, money to spend, and food and water are all should be taken care of first. Continue reading

Bike to Foodtrip Iloilo City

Bike to Foodtrip Iloilo

Things are starting to turn back to normal, minus the health protocols and liquor ban in the city and province of Iloilo. Restaurants are starting to operate again with Iloilo city‘s quarantine status to the Modified General one.

That said, people are starting to go out, and with the supposedly scheduled Dinagyang 2021 this weekend, which will be more of a virtual presentation, there are a few activities and events that the local government allowed while also making sure that public gatherings are regulated.

In my end of vlogging and the recent bike long ride hobby, I decided to also integrate this trip to enjoy not only the city bike tour but also visiting some of the newest restos that offer at one side unique delicacies and the other Ilonggo-native dishes.

I had somewhat covered it in a few of my bike vlogs these past weeks. To note Bike Ride to Akamon Ramen and Bike Ride to the Banquetta Exhibit in Festive Walk.

As a follow-up, I decided to have a checklist of the places to bike to as I have observed from my Facebook newsfeed and in particular at the Kaon Ta Iloilo group. That way, it will be easy for me to plan out the route beforehand and easier to discuss in the blog video.

The next issue now is the time going there as the weekdays are jam-packed for work and since the schedule at the office is now back to 8-5, I could not fit in to visit the place due to it is already late in the afternoon. Anyhow, the weekend is my best option for now and if given that we can get out early, then that is another opportunity to record a visit.

We shall see in the coming weeks.