MTG Streets of New Capenna Card Spoiler Discussion Batch 3

The Streets of New Capenna is nearing its completion and maybe by this weekend, it will be complete. As I remembered, the Prerelease event for the set will on the 22nd and 23rd of the month. Wow, that is basically just days away. I guess we needed to prepare the budget for that one.

Covering a card-by-card discussion may become a chore to finish on a daily basis and even the first two batches I have published are not enough. Anyhow, let us just continue what cards we can present and as many as we can discuss if possible.

Let us start with Lagrella, the Magpie.

It leans to be more effective in a multiplayer EDH game but in a typical Standard match, this is a good removal and maybe a tempo effect if you have creatures that benefit from their ETB abilities and the bonus of having two +1/+1 counters on it. You will cards with ‘blink’ effects to be able to execute this.

Next up is the Green Mythic, Titan of Industry.

I initially thought of it as a good target for reanimation spells but hard-casting it is not impossible for a Mono-Green deck build. If given multiple choice answers, it has all of the above benefits written on it. Exile effects would be the only solution for its opponents.

Third, up is Structural Assault.

With the expected Vehicle-based decks as catered by Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty, this card will be a good sideboard choice to wipe them including their creature crew. The five mana is reasonable as it is a good upgrade and in line with today’s board sweep cards.

Fourth on the list is Soul of Emancipation.

It is a three-colored Brokers version of the Terastodon, first printed on Worldwake. It is sort of a friendlier version as non-land permanents are only destroyed as compared to non-creatures but this route is more to benefit you as you can be more on dealing with their best creatures and giving them 3/3 Angel tokens instead. In a more perfect scenario such as having a tokens deck build, for example, your random 1/1 dudes are converted into 3/3 Flyer threats, and is a good thing to have evasion creatures in board stall matchups.

The fifth card preview is Ominous Parcel.

We always call the bomb squad if we see some suspicious bag left in a market, plaza, or any other populated area, and this card perfectly represents it. It is a mana-fix at the least and in the late game can be a good spot removal for the four-toughness threat. This would also be a good artifact recursion target if your deck build strategy is aligned to it.

The sixth card preview discussion is Crew Captain

This Human Warrior is a good card to curve for the three-drop going the aggro route but the issue is the consistency of three-colored mana by that time. This may be possible if you have a tribal deck built with a Secluded Courtyard naming Warrior.

I am wrapping up this batch with the card that is the newest addition to my list of Black-Red lands collection, Tramway Station.

Being only a Common, it is still a good way to see cards with the utility of getting your card drawn in the late game. It can slow the progress in an aggro deck but it is a small hindrance if you would want a mana-fix nonbasic and card draw later on all-in-one.

To conclude this batch of Streets of New Capenna card discussions, I will line up my topics in the coming days with some Standard deck brews with the new set. If you have missed one previously posted, you can check it here. I might also do some short guide for your first prerelease in a New Capenna theme so also stay tuned on that one.