Monsters in the Dark, A PTQ Report Part 1

Monsters in the Dark PTQ Report P1
I have been playing the game for years on end and preparing for a major MtG event usually gets me into serious mode. The recent Pro Tour Qualifier for Journey to Nyx was no exception. It felt like the schedule was a bit too early. The preparation time was a little short Continue reading

Standard Deck Tech: Esper Humans

Esper Humans

It is a New Year and another year for Magic: the Gathering that we are all to enjoy. That also means that we have new deck archetypes to explore in Standard, even three months after Theros was released. The deck today that I’ll go into detail about is the Esper Midrange from Grand Prix Shizuoka. Though going midrange shines in the late game, it is typically weak against aggressive decks. My version for the deck goes more on an Orzhov Humans approach.

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Magic: the Gathering Deck Tech: ‘Hating’ Standard

The evolution continues. As we might have already noticed, Standard is currently changing to deal with dominating deck archetypes as in the time of Affinity where certain decks rose to defeat it. It might be of the same level as the current but the same concept of dealing with the deck is still adapted.

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