Two weekends ago was the scheduled Prerelease events for the MtG set Fate Reforged. TO Rei scheduled our local prerelease to be on Saturday of that weekend with forty slots to accommodate more participants. I myself was excited to open some packs of this new set. Continue reading
Tag Archives: Fate Reforged
FRF Standard Deck Feature: Sultai Control
Last weekend’s Starcity Games Standard Open in Washington DC featured the first ever major MtG Standard event with Fate Reforged. The Champion was Gerard Fabiano piloting a control deck with the Sultai clan. Continue reading
Fate Reforged Magic Workstation Update
Here is a Magic set update for Magic Workstation on the Fate Reforged patch. Fyi, Magic Workstation is a free software that is being used for playing MtG online and on the Magic-League. I have been using this for the Continue reading
FRF Standard Deck Tech: Mono Black Discard
For another round of the possible deck archetypes in Fate Reforged Standard, here is a creation that I found from the MTG Salvation forums that was built upon the M15 card: Waste Not. The added card from Fate Reforged was Dark Deal which looked to be the best discard combo Continue reading
FRF Print Run Error (Fetch Lands/Pack)
A trending video just posted earlier within the MtG Groups that I followed regarding the unboxing of Fate Reforged booster box with a print run error. The error is that the land slot of each booster pack contains a Khans of Tarkir fetchland. Continue reading
Magic: the Gathering FRF Standard Deck Tech: U/G Manifest Tempo

I was again looking for Magic: the Gathering Standard deck techs in the MtG Salvation forums and followed a thread discussing on the possible builds of a Blue Green Tempo deck and updated with Fate Reforged cards. The new set also provided the Manifest strategy in which this deck can greatly benefit from.
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